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Dark Mode SYK With Dark Fiction is a Stuff Your Kindle event for Dark Fiction readers and authors created by Jinapher J. Hoffman. Ranging from Grimdark Fantasy to Splatterpunk, and No Romance to Erotica, the event will showcase a diverse selection of titles to download for one day only, bi-annually.

All books in the event have an individual page that features their Tropes, Representation, Romance Levels, SubGenres, Age Range, and Content Warnings, which are searchable through the "Tag Masterlist" on the website.

Readers and authors are highly encouraged to subscribe to the Dark Mode Books website for event details and sign-up opportunities.

All readers and authors should start with this post, which answers all frequently asked questions, such as how readers can download and how authors can set books for free.

What Is Stuff Your Kindle Day?

This event is independently organized by Jinapher J. Hoffman, and is styled to be similar to Stuff Your Kindle events hosted by Zoe York on Romance Bookworms. 

The day is essentially exactly as it sounds: several eBooks are listed for free. This started with the romance genre, and over the years, it’s branched out to all genres. Here, at Dark Mode, we focus on Dark Fiction (the darker, the better).

About Your Creator/Host

Jinapher J. Hoffman is the creator and host of Dark Mode Books. She is also the epic dark fantasy author of Wrathos, a multiverse of feminine rage, which includes her bestselling Fates of Mirror trilogy and Alchemight Duology.

Jinapher resides in California with her partner and two bunny rabbits. If she isn’t writing books or outlining multiverse plots, she’s likely binging dark smut or grimdark fantasy on her Kindle, rewatching the same TV show she’s seen 8 trillion times because ✨anxiety✨, or marketing her books full-time. (oh, and now apparently organizing an entire Stuff Your Kindle event lol)

You can follow Jinapher on TikTok, Instagram, and Threads.

For any questions or concerns:

Subscribe to Dark Mode Books

Dark Mode Books hosts the Dark Mode Stuff Your Kindle Event for Dark Fiction, including free Dark Fantasy, Dark Romance, and Horror eBooks.


Amazon #1 Bestselling author of WRATHOS, an epic dark fantasy multiverse of feminine rage.